
We believe in congregating together often. 

Sunday School

9:30-10:30 am
‌ Bible studies for all ages. 
‌We believe in the value of knowing God’s word and challenging one another to live out the truths within. 

‌Bring the kids and enjoy a time of diving into God’s word with others. 
‌We currently have classes for:
‌Nursery is available during this time.

Sunday Worship

10:45-11:45 am
‌Gathering together in worship is essential to the overall health of God’s people.

‌When we gather weekly as a people, we declare our love for the Lord and our dependence upon Him. ‌We also gather to encourage one another to live out our kingdom mission each day. This encouragement happens through corporate singing, praying for each other, and responding to the declaration of God’s Word. 

‌All ages are welcome in service, and a nursery service is available as well.

Wednesday Bible Study

6:00 pm Meal
‌ 6:30 Bible study 

‌This is a great opportunity to be challenged in the word of God in community with other believers. 

‌We believe that the word of God is powerful and life changing. As we gather on Wednesday evenings, we fellowship, study God’s word, and apply it to our everyday lives.

For archived sermons, visit our YouTube channel 

 Our YouTube Channel

For live services and updates, follow us on Facebook.

Our Facebook Page
